Sunday, April 28, 2013

Introduction to Law

Meaning and definition of law

1.1 An outline understanding of the meaning of law and the necessity for a reliable system of law in a free society 

The meaning of law

There is no single correct definition of law, although most definitions given by anyone you ask (including judges) will be similar. Sir John Salmond gave his definition of law as "the body of principles recognised and applied by the State." To put it simply, a set of compulsory rules about human behaviour created and enforced by the State.

The necessity for a reliable system of law in a free society

We need law to:
  • keep public order
  • protect individual freedoms
  • regulate relationships
  • set standards 
  • provide solutions for legal problems

Classification of law

1.2 An outline understanding of the legal differences between Public law (criminal, constitutional and administrative law) and Private Law (contract, tort and family law)

Public law consists of:
  • Criminal law
  • Constitutional law
  • Administrative law
and it involves the State

Private law consists of:
  • Contract law
  • Law of tort
  • Family law
and it is concerned with disputes between individuals or businesses

1.3 An outline understanding of the legal differences between Civil law and Criminal Law 

So essentially the diagram bellow summaries any and all major legal differences between Civil law and Criminal law that you need to be aware of

1 comment:

  1. Hey Cameron,
    I was wondering if you are still doing the course? I'm Amanda from England and I'm doing the GCSE too, I thought it would be interesting to get in touch, my email is :)
